Wire rings


The first step to fixing a problem is admitting that you have one. So. Here it is. I have a most-likely unhealthy (for my wallet) obsession with wire rings. It all started when (cue trippy time warp music) I got a Pinterest. Suddenly, I was seeing all these beautiful rings that were completely unattainable. I was going mad with wanting. Then, on the way home from our camping adventure, thing 3 and I sat next to a girl who made wire rings and sold them on Etsy (alas, I did not catch the name of her shop) I was in awe. She ever so kindly made a wire monogram ring for me, and I watched in wrapt, thinly veiled admiration. Suddenly, all those unattainable rings were attainable! I, too, could make them! As soon as I arrived home I rushed to the nearest craft store where I bought artistic wire (about $7 for two rolls). I grabbed the needle-nose pliers and a pair of wire cutters from the toolbox and got to work. After several failed attempts, I successfully created a (kind of rachet) wire treble clef ring.

I used this tutorial , and will try to make my own tutorial soon, once I figure out the tricks of the trade.

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